Peripheral Artery Pseudo Aneurysm- A Single Center Experience

Sridhar M,

Published on: 2019-08-12


Introduction: Pseudo aneurysms are false aneurysm where disruption in the arterial wall. The common causes are, iatrogenic (vascular interventions and surgery), trauma, and infections.
Aim: The aim of this study was to analyze the etiology, management, and outcome of patients with Pseudo Aneurysm s of peripheral arteries.
Materials and Methods: This is a retrospective analysis of 30 patients with peripheral artery Pseudo Aneurysm s over 2 years at a tertiary referral center in Southern India, at Institute of Vascular Surgery, Madras Medical College, India.
Results: The most common site involved was femoral artery followed by a superficial femoral and anterior tibial artery. The common etiologies were iatrogenic and penetrating trauma. The most common organism was Staphylococci aureus. Management options included ligation with or without revascularization, debridement with vein patch repair, percutaneous thrombin injection and stent graft placement.
Conclusion: Although repair with distal revascularization is an ideal approach, debridement and simple ligation of Pseudo Aneurysm s is a safer alternative in patients without infection or peripheral vascular disease.

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