Abnormal Uterine Bleeding in a Patient with Alcoholic Liver Disease

Megan Kalata,

Published on: 2023-05-17


Background: Traditional medical therapies for the management of abnormal uterine bleeding cannot be used by patients with liver disease. Given that the incidence of liver disease is increasing among women in the United States, it is crucial to understand options for management among this high-risk population.
Case Presentation: This case presents a patient with acute-onset heavy vaginal bleeding in the setting of acutely decompensated alcoholic liver disease.
Outcomes: The patient was started on tranexamic acid for the management of her bleeding given her contraindication to typical medical management, such as oral contraceptives or IV estrogen.
Recommendations: In instances of acute vaginal bleeding for patients like the one presented here, tranexamic acid may be a safer, more appropriate option to bridge patients to the point where long-term management can be addressed for their underlying conditions.

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