An Investigation into the Factors Affecting Violence against Married Women in Ahvaz - A Qualitative Research

Sodani M,

Published on: 2019-04-23


Introduction: The strength of any structure depends on the proper foundation and the strong columns. Similar to a huge building, the stability of a society is dependent on the firmness of the family and any weakness or deformation would collapse the pillars of that society. Family is important not only because it provides a good environment for spouses, but it is also tasked with educating future generations. However, families are already suffering from several detriments, one of the most important of which is domestic violence.
Methods: This qualitative research was carried out using a targeted sampling method. Sampling continued until reaching the theoretical saturation of data. Finally, 17 women with experiences of domestic violence were interviewed, once the Haj Yahya Violence Questionnaire was completed.
Results: Using axial and open coding, 21 major categories were obtained. “Violence, a hidden and apparent tool” was introduced as the main category. It can be concluded that domestic violence is affected by many factors, including personality traits, family education and social culture. According to the results, the causal, underlying and intervening conditions, phenomenon, strategies of action/interaction and the consequences were extracted and a conceptual model was explained.
Conclusion: Violence against women is universal and inclusive. This silence cannot be kept hidden and silent, and it requires global attention. Thus, it seems necessary to design and implement educational workshops in order to recognize differences between men and women, child upbringing, marriage enrichment, promotion of adolescent skills, effective and appropriate communication practices and life skills.

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