Histological and Histopathological Comparative Study for Placentae of an Aborted Ewe with Placentae of Normal Birth in Ewe

Hassan HK Al Bayati,

Published on: 2020-09-05


The present study was designed to show the histological architecture of the placenta after abortion in the ewe. Six placentae from normal gestation and normal birth, and six placentae from aborted ewe. The histological technique was done to complete the histological procedures, to obtain a slide with tissue, of the placenta, sectioned at 6 micrometer thickness, and stained by Hematoxylin and Eosin. The results revealed that abortion leads to the effect of the placenta in this case. The chorionic villi were containing cytotrophoblasts and syncytiotrophoblasts in a few numbers with the degenerated condition at the periphery of these villi and its core have congested blood vessels and lymphocytic infiltration with giant cells also seen.

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