Management of Fracture Shaft Femur in Children According to Recent Standard Criteria in Al-Hussein Teaching Hospital at Period from April 2018 to August 2019

Ali Taha Hassan Al-Azzawi,

Published on: 2020-05-11


This study aims to prove that the treatment of fracture shaft of the femur in children is according to their age and values of varus-valgus angle, Anterior-posterior angle, and shortening which compared with the standard acceptable angulations values, also to prove that these standard acceptable angulations are suitable in the treatment of these fractures. A prospective study of sixty children with the fractured shaft of femur their age range from four months to ten years was admitted to Al-Hussein Teaching Hospital in Samawa city at the period from April 2018 to August 2019 and assessed their sex, side and mechanism of fracture. Males more than females, left side is more than the right one, spiral fractures are the most common pattern, and these fractures located mostly in the middle part of the femur, most of them are caused by fall from a height, while the other hit by car and motorcycle. We have different models of treatments according to their age, the patients below five years treated conservatively such as traction, Pavlik harness, and hip spica, while those patients above five years of age were treated surgically such as Ender elastic nail, plate and screw, and external fixation. The elastic nail is a preferred method because it provides good stability for the fracture. We evaluate the complications like knee stiffness, infection, and malunion and length leg discrepancy. The values of varus-valgus angulations, anterior-posterior angulations, and shortening after treatment according to (AutoCAD 2007) program are correlated to the standard acceptable angulations and we prove that these standard values are reasonable, suitable and useful in the treatment of these fractures.

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