Population Genetic Data for 15 Autosomal Short Tandem Repeat (STR) loci of Mandaeans (Al-Sabean) population in Baghdad Governance in Iraq

Mohammed T Jaber Mayyahi,

Published on: 2019-10-14


The analysis of allele frequencies for 15 autosomal short tandem repeat (STR)loci (D3S1358 TPOX, VWA, D16S539D8S1179, D21S11, D18S51, D5S818, D13S317, D7S820, TH01, CSF1PO, FGA, D19S433, D2S1338,) and Amelogenin for gender identification using the AmpFISTR® Identifiler Kit panel from Applied Bio systems was performed for 51 unrelated individuals from Mandaeans (Al-Sabean) population in Baghdad in Iraq. The data of 15 STR loci in Mandaeans (Al-Sabean) population showed high gene diversity, where 15 alleles were observed. These findings suggest that these allele frequency databases are suitable for the purpose of identification in paternity and forensic investigations.

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