Protective Role of Purslane Seed Extract on Embryos and Placentae of Rats Treated with Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles

Fatma El-Saeed El-Demerdash,

Published on: 2020-03-02


Background: Titanium dioxide nanoparticles (TiO2NPs) that are used daily in sunscreens, foods, pharmaceuticals and cosmetics are most prevalent around the world. The potential toxicity of TiO2NPs on the growth and development of embryo and placenta has been rarely studied during pregnancy. Portulaca oleracea L. (purslane) is a safe daily green vegetable that is considered as a natural source of antioxidants.
Aim of the study: The present study was designed to evaluate the possible protective role of purslane seed extract on the growth and development of embryos and placentae of pregnant rats treated with TiO2NPs during pregnancy.
Material and methods: Thirty-two pregnant females (12 weeks old,150±200gm) were randomly divided into four groups (8 animals each) as follows:
Group 1 (C): Untreated control.
Group 2 (P): Rats treated with purslane seed extract at a dose of 10 mL/kg/day.
Group 3 (T): Animals received 0.5 mg/kg/day nano-TiO2.
Group 4 (P + T): Rats received purslane seed extract at a dose of 10 mL/kg/day followed by TiO2NPs at a dose of 0.5 mg/kg/day. All treated rats were orally administered from the 6th to the 15th day of gestation. All rats were weighed on the 1st, 6th and 13th day then weighed and sacrificed on the 20th day of gestation. The uteri were removed and weighed. Both implantation sites live and dead fetuses were counted then the fetuses and placentae were weighed and photographed. Crown rump length and tail length were measured as well as morphological and skeletal abnormalities of live fetuses were examined.
Results: Nano-titanium induced reduction in the weights of pregnant rats, uteri and placentae in addition to fetal growth retardation. Subcutaneous hematoma, as well as skeletal deformities, were observed in fetuses maternally treated with TiO2NPs. Treatment with purslane seed extract exhibited amelioration in the weights of pregnant rats, uteri, fetuses and placentae as well as in the delayed ossification of the skeleton caused by TiO2NPs.
Conclusion: Exposure to TiO2NPs during pregnancy greatly hinders the growth and development of the rat embryos and placentae. Therefore, it is recommended to be very careful while dealing with nanomaterials during pregnancy. It is preferred for eating leafy green vegetables rich in antioxidants during pregnancy.

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