Results of Surgical Treated of Nodular Thyroid in Women

Wamedh Mustafa Mohamed,

Published on: 2021-06-26


The long-term results of surgical treatment of nodular goiter and thyroid cancer were studied. Glands in 239 women under the age of 40 years. The patients were divided into two homogeneous groups: 1st - operated on for differentiated thyroid cancer; 2nd - operated on for benign neoplasms. Revealed causes and frequency the occurrence of recurrence of the disease, especially the course of postoperative hypothyroidism. The relationship of the occurrence of complications with the nosology and volume of the operation is analyzed. Evaluated the reproductive function of women after surgery. Tactics offered treatment of nodular goiter and thyroid cancer in pregnant women. We studied the long-term results in 239 women under the age of 40 years. Patients were divided into two homogeneous groups:
Thyroid cancer,
Operated for benign tumors.
The causes and frequency of recurrence of the disease and postoperative hypothyroidism were identified. The relation between the occurrence of complications with nosology and operation volume was analyzed. We evaluated the reproductive function of treatment of the goiter and thyroid cancer in pregnant women.

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