The New System for Attacker Cyst Treatment

Bassim Mohammed Ali Alaasam,

Published on: 2020-06-08


Cystic lesion of the oral cavity relies on odontogenesis to odontogenic cysts and nonodontogenic cysts and is divided into two significant classes. The odontogenic cystic tissues, histologically similar to odontogenic structures and anatomic deliberation, are present. Nonodontogenic cysts include cysts from different organs in the mouth, such as salivary gland cysts, nasopalatine-level-cysts, medium-palate cysts, and nasolabial cysts. Many cysts, common in the other sections of the body, including dermoid cysts, lymphoepithelial cysts, and aneurysmal bone cysts, are also included within this group. The treatment either by enucleation or marsupialization. The type of surgical treatment depends on the size, the site of the cyst, and the age of the patent, besides that the general health. The aggressive cyst mainly in the body and ramus of the mandible, if enucleate the cyst leads to fracture of mandibular bone or damage to the inferior alveolar nerve. The treatment by marsupialization lead to severe infection due to exposure to oral microorganism. By change the marsupialization by drilling and due small opining and put the acrylic base with extension inside the hole to reduce the pressure on the wall of the cyst until the cyst healed without need the second operation.

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