Innovative Technologies Impact on Socio-economic, Health, and Educational Activities during COVID-19 Era View PDF

*Mosleh Zeebaree
Department Of Management Information System, Institute Of Graduate Studies And Research, Cyprus International University, Cyprus

*Corresponding Author:
Mosleh Zeebaree
Department Of Management Information System, Institute Of Graduate Studies And Research, Cyprus International University, Cyprus

Published on: 2020-09-21


Computerized technology’s abrupt advancements cause noticeable renovation of financial systems and communal orders which are totally comprehensive. Modern developments are achieved specifically in the field of Artificial Intelligence, the internet of things, robotics, big data, social media, and business analysis. Moreover, the enhanced and computer-generated authenticities are providing a determined digital network and the latest possible results for a prosperous living. This recent research underlines the effects of the innovative technology in maintaining education, health, socio-economic procedures at the outbreak of COVID 19. One of the proposed methods for stopping the contagion of coronavirus disorder is by keeping social distancing and imposing lockdowns. In the meantime, that has triggered several distractions in the areas of mutual international interests, for instance, transportation, commerce, tourism, international commerce, economy, production activities, learning, etc.
It is essential and valuable to exchange the conventional way of working with an online electronic system since the old-working style came up with no advantages amid the outbreak of Coronavirus pandemic. The modern online working method supports the socio-economic process and enhances its related sectors such as promoting healthcare, online meetings through the internet, online market, video conferencing, electronic administration, social networking programs, diagnosing sick people electronically, and several other public services. Nowadays humanity is completely relying on modern technology in performing daily duties coinciding with this pandemic disease. Therefore, this study presents the positive role of innovative technology and its advantages in prolonging economy, social events, health, and the process of education and many other areas following the obstacles and hindrances facing humanity because of the lockdowns and social isolations at the time of this pandemic.
In this study, steps are taken to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages as well as the effects of innovative technology on the healthcare sector, socio-economy, and learning process at the time of this contagious virus. Furthermore, steps are taken to observe modern technology applied in the economy, learning process, and social activities for the purpose of focusing on common data regarding quarantine during the COVID -19 pandemic. To improve knowledge, though there are some scientific articles on examining that condition, particularly the effects of COVID-19 pandemic on socio-economic, health, and education. This study comes along with an analysis, using an organized evaluation through studying more papers linked to innovation technology, Covid-19, socio-economic, and online service”. That would help us better understand Innovative technology and its related advantages at the time of Coronavirus Disease. The finding of this study, that innovation technologies were satisfactory to citizens and contributed effectively to the sustainability of social, economic, and health activities as advantages. On the contrary, innovation technology also has some disadvantages such as misinformation and spreading fear and panic among citizens by spreading false information or misuse of these channels by other parties for their own purposes.


Innovative technology; COVID-19; Socio-economic; Online services height; Yield


The proponents of Kondratieff’s theory approve of the explanation of the common condition of the economy in two parts: the expansionary cycle and the contractionary cycle. In the expansionary cycle, the time for success is abundant, while it gets less in a contraction, Contraction is accompanied by substantial progress in the technology and innovation domain, and however, the passage from invention to innovation occurs only in an up-turn. [1]. As researchers, we are content with the theory. Through experiencing the events occurred at the time of Coronavirus, we notice an intensified improvement in implementing modern technologies in all sectors of our daily life. We have fully understood that innovation in information technology is enormously affecting our life system. Particularly, the presence of the internet, web-based programs, and other developed means of communication which are directly or indirectly changing the course of everyday life throughout the world [2].
Most countries in the world have enforced several cautious procedures to limit the fast infection of the virus [3]. The measures include social distancing, limiting tourism, and avoiding social or public gatherings. At the same time, providing constant advice on how to deal with the infected people while being in service across all of the country. World Health Organization (WHO) declared that COVID-19 has put the world in an emergency case since 30th January 2020 [4]. Furthermore, the organization stated that the world is in an international health emergency due to this novel Coronavirus. It is obvious that the COVID-19 pandemic appeared in Wuhan which is a Chinese province on 31st of December 2019, which rapidly spread to 24 countries outside China by the 9th of February, and 37,558 cases were reported and the biggest number was in China. On the 11th of March 2020 [5], the World Health Organization announced that Coronavirus is a pandemic disease. By the 29th of March 2020, the number of infected people with the virus reached 638,146 confirmed cases in 203 countries. At the same time, more than 30 thousand cases of deaths were reported [6]. As a reaction to the “critical condition” [7], governments closed borders and banned tourism and enforced lockdowns. [7,8]. Meanwhile, there were fears of approaching serious economic crises especially in countries with the largest economy. Prior to Coronavirus Disease, the time that grown-up people in the U.S spent on social media was anticipated to stay at the same level in 2020 and 2021 in comparison to the time spent on social media applications in the years 2018 and 2019. While, amid the Coronavirus contagion, more than 50% of adults in the U.S used social media apps more than before [9]. This tendency is not likely anticipated to carry-on after the pandemic. E-Marketers supposes this thing will be decreased at a time we get the end of 2020 and everything will go back to the normal condition after the pandemic and then it will be diminished by 2021. It is believed that only 9% of adults in the U.S would move on spending time on social media applications and programs after the Coronavirus Disease. [9].

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