The Issue of Mental and Motor Disturbances and Correction Thereof In Children with Infantile Cerebral Paralysis and Moderate Mental Retardation View PDF

*Shmeleva Svetlana Vasilievna
Department Of Adaptive Physical Culture And Recreation, Russian State Social University, Moscow, Russian Federation

*Corresponding Author:
Shmeleva Svetlana Vasilievna
Department Of Adaptive Physical Culture And Recreation, Russian State Social University, Moscow, Russian Federation

Published on: 2018-01-19


Correction of the condition of children with infantile cerebral paralysis and moderately expressed mental retardation is a serious problem of modern recreation therapy. The goal of this article is to analyze the available information on the most important aspects of mental and motor disturbances in children with infantile cerebral paralysis and moderate mental retardation and to summarize the information on the most effective approaches for the compensation of such disturbances. The work contains information on primary mental and physical problems of mentally challenged children with infantile cerebral paralysis who require active compensation for the arrangement of conditions for the maximum possible health improvement and introduction of such children into the society. 


Children; Infantile cerebral paralysis; Mental retardation; Mental disorders; Motor disturbances; Physical rehabilitation


One of the most important indicators of the welfare of society in economically developed countries is the level of health of its citizens of advanced age [1,2]. It is known that it depends not only on their medical care, but also on the level of their motor activity [3]. The complexity of this issue is due to the fact that the elderly age is often burdened by many chronic diseases [4,5]. Their course often has a progressive character and is difficult to compensate [6,7]. The cardiovascular pathology occupies a prominent place, which very often leads to disability and death of older persons [8,9].

The leading direction of comprehensive health promotion in old age should be considered the use of physical exercises of a different nature [10,11]. It is recognized that the regular dosage of regular muscular activity within the framework of rational exercise can provide, including in the elderly, a preventive and healing effect in relation to many variants of pathology [12,13].

Modern medicine has an acute need to continue improving the complexes of physical exercises and programs aimed at comprehensive recovery in old age [14-16]. Accessible options for the correction of the condition of older people are physical exercises in the framework of leisure activities in the gym. In this connection, the goal is to assess the overall health effect of regular physical exercises on simulators in the elderly.

Materials and Methods

The study was approved by the local ethics committee of the Russian State Social University on September 15, 2016 (protocol No. 9). The study was conducted on the basis of the “Impulse” gym in Protvino, Moscow Region. The study took 62 elderly people who had not been systematically attended gyms. There were formed control group and experimental group which were observed for six months. The criterion for inclusion in the study was the absence in the elderly of clinical manifestations of atherosclerosis, heart failure, metabolic, oncological and allergic diseases. Those included in the study were allowed to have arterial hypertension no higher than 1 degree.

The control group consisted of 31 people (17 men and 14 women). Their average age was 64,2 ± 1,2 years. This group was formed from people who had the opportunity to attend classes in the gym once or twice a week, but could not adhere to the proposed scheme of exercises in the author’s methodology.

The experimental group included 31 people, 16 men and 15 women of elderly age. Average age in the experimental group was 65, 0 ± 1,3 years. Engaged in the experimental group who attended the classes in the gym strictly three times a week? For their training, block-type simulators were used, which made it possible to regulate the load by changing the weights and to include in the work alternately different muscle groups.

Exercise complexes used in the experimental group had sacraloccipital direction of influence on the muscular system [17,18]. As a part of the used complexes asymmetric, symmetric and dedicational exercises were applied [19,20]. There was used method of standard - repeated exercise during compiling exercise complexes on simulators [21].

The method of repeated efforts was used to select the level of weights on the simulators. Weight of cargo was selected depending on the number of repetitions (15-20 times). The level of load was maintained until the adaptation to it occurred: an increase in the amplitude of movements in the joints, an increase in the strength indicators for this exercise. Only after this, the load level increased. Exercises were performed in 2 approaches with an emphasis on the conceding (eccentric) regimen with prolonged exhalation.

To assess the condition of the examined in the outcome and six months of training on the simulators, the following methods were used in the work:

Assessment of the functional state of the circulatory system was carried out by the method of [22]. Measure the height and body weight; determine the pulse rate and the level of blood pressure. To quantify the level of the functional state (FS) of the circulatory system in points, the following formula is used: PS = 0,011 (HR) + 0,014 (SBP) + 0,008 (DBP) + 0,014 (Rev.) + 0,009 (MT) - 0,009 (DT - 0,27), Rev. - age in years; SBP and DBP - systolic and diastolic blood pressure in mmHg; Heart rate - heart rate in bpm; MT - body weight in kg; DT - body length in cm. The evaluation of the level of adaptation of the circulatory system in the examined subjects was evaluated according to the scale below (Table 1).

The functional state of the autonomic nervous system (vegetative Kerdo index) [22] was calculated using the formula: (1-DD / HR) x 100, where DD is the diastolic blood pressure; Heart rate - heart rate. The following criteria were used for evaluation. The magnitude of the vegetative index of Kerdin ranges from -15 to +15 indicates a balance of sympathetic and parasympathetic influences.

The value of vegetative index Kerdo above + 15 indicates the predominance of the sympathetic tone of the autonomic nervous system. The value of the vegetative index of Kerdo is less than - 15, indicating the predominance of the parasympathetic tone of the autonomic nervous system. With the value of the vegetative Kerdo index, there is a vegetative equilibrium.

Evaluation of the weight-growth index [23]. The weight-growth index is an integral characteristic of development and reflects the formed level of metabolic processes. The criteria for its evaluation are presented in Table 2.

Assessment of the level of general physical development of the elderly (indicators of the vegetative-vascular system) [24]. A number of simple definitions of indicators were used, which were introduced into the following formula:

Y = -0,615 x X1 + 0,259 x X2 - 0,322 x X3 - 0,124 x X4 + 0,148 x X5 - 0,023 x X6 + 54,21 where Y is the general physical state; X1 - age, years; X2 - body length, cm; X3 - body weight, kg; X4 - Heart rate at rest, bpm; X5 - systolic blood pressure, mmHg; X6 - diastolic blood pressure, mm Hg. The evaluation criteria are presented in Table 3.

The results of the study were mathematically processed with the calculation of the arithmetic mean (M), the error of the arithmetic mean (m) and the level of reliability in the t-test of the Student (p<0.05).

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